Please review our FAQ below to find answers to our most frequently asked questions. Don't see your question? No problem, please do not hesitate to contact us and a Dolan-Jenner associate will get back to you quickly.
Q. What is the replacement lamp for my Fiber-lite Mi-150 illuminator?
A. the Mi-150, Mi-152 and Fiber-lite 180 all use the model EKE 150 watts 21-volt lamp.
Q. What is the replacement lamp for my Fiber-lite 190 illuminator?
A. The Fiber-lite 190, 3100, and Mi-30 all use the model EKZ 30 watts 10.8-volt lamp.
Q. Is there an LED lamp available that I can use in place of the EKE or EKZ halogen lamps?
A. No, at this time there are no aftermarket LED lamp products that will replace the halogen EKE or EKZ lamps. If LED lighting is needed or desired, please consider the Mi-LED light source.
Q. Where can I buy a new EKE / EKZ lamp?
A. They are broadly available on the internet – but you should avoid really low cost lamps and look for a quality brand name. All EKE / EKZ halogen lamps are not equal. We only use and recommend USHIO brand lamps.
Q. Can I buy direct?
A. Yes, but as a large volume manufacture, you may prefer to use your local Dolan-Jenner distributor. You can also visit our “where to buy” page, or you can also contact us for local resellers.
Q. Can I use a higher wattage lamp in my light source to get higher intensity output?
A. No, the light source is designed to work with a very specific wattage and voltage lamp. You should never install a lamp that does not have the correct rating for the light source.
Q. I am having issues with my Dolan-Jenner DC950 Illuminator. How do I troubleshoot the DC950?